Rainbow Disco Club (RDC)'s regular artist sauce81 provided us with two unreleased tracks. sauce81 mercifully said "I would like to help RDC which was cancelled due to COVID-19." Beyond Space And Time was launched end of last year with DJ Nobu's 2LP compilation as festival's another musical imprint. The 7 inch record, "I Wanna Show You EP" will be the next release from the label. "Love Is The Harmony ft. Ben Hadwen" is on the B side. The track was played at the end of his set at RDC streaming event "somewhere under the rainbow!", energetic house/disco track made us all dancing through the screen.
(JP )Rainbow Disco Club (RDC) の常連アーティストsauce81が、「新型コロナウイルスの影響で中止になったRDCの力に少しでもなれたら」と未発表音源2曲を提供してくれました。昨年末DJ NobuのコンピレーションLPでローンチしたRDCの音楽レーベル、Beyond Space And Timeから『I Wanna Show You EP』を7インチレコードとしてリリースします。RDCのストリーミングイベント「somewhere under the rainbow!」で、自身のライブセットの最後に披露したダンサブルなハウス/ディスコトラック。B面には"Love Is The Harmony ft. Ben Hadwen"を収録。
Sauce81 – I Wanna Show You